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Diversity Statement

July 25, 2023


At HigherChange, LLC, we are proud to be a family therapy and coaching practice dedicated to serving individuals, couples, and families from all walks of life. Our motto is “Acceptance First,” which means we love and accept all people as they are, even when we may have different beliefs and standards for ourselves. We are passionate about advancing equal opportunity, and diversity. The founders, Dr. Thomas and Hannah Luttrell, acknowledge the importance of embracing diversity in all its forms and recognize the richness it brings to our community and our work.

It's Who We Are

Our mission is rooted in the belief that every person is uniquely created in the image of God and loved by God, deserving of our love, respect, and compassionate care. The founders identify as followers of Jesus Christ, who shared healing love to everyone he met. Likewise, HigherChange is a diverse network of coaches and therapists who model the inclusive love and acceptance of Jesus Christ.

Faith And Acceptance

HigherChange serves people of all faiths or no faith. As followers of Christ, we understand the significance of integrating faith into the counseling or coaching process. However, we respect that not all clients may share the same beliefs, and we affirm the right of each individual to explore their own spiritual journey, whatever that may entail. Our goal is to provide an accepting, non-judgmental environment where clients can freely express their beliefs, values, and concerns without fear of discrimination or bias. We accept people where they are, and welcome people who hold different beliefs or lifestyles, without imposing any.

Key Principles

Consistent with our principles, we are committed to creating an inclusive and welcoming space where individuals of all ages, races, ethnicities, genders, sexual orientations, religions, and abilities feel safe and supported.

  • Gender. We empower and elevate women as equals rather than denigrate women, and we afford both men and women the same opportunities to care for their family responsibilities. Rather than emphasizing gender distinctions, we prefer to de-construct social prescriptions for gender roles that can be constraining. For this reason, we do not emphasize pronouns but are mindful about people’s requests.

  • Race and Ethnicity. We support racial and ethnic diversity and equality. While all lives are sacred to God, unfortunately the world does not value all people equally. We are not all treated the same way. Therefore, it is important that we respect and value everyone equally as humans with intrinsic worth.

  • Criminal History. We also do not discriminate based on past criminal records unrelated to present dangerousness or trustworthiness for a position of responsibility.

  • Sexual Orientation. While we recognize the diversity of strongly held beliefs in Christianity about homosexuality, we oppose bigotry and homophobia and promote the acceptance of sexual diversity.

  • Sex Positive. While we still retain Christian beliefs, the term "sex-positive" refers to an attitude or philosophy that promotes healthy and consensual attitudes towards sex, emphasizing open and honest communication, affirming sexual diversity, and respecting individual choices and autonomy in sexual matters. While Christians have historically held more restrictive views on sexuality, the Bible also emphasizes love, intimacy, and mutual respect within sexual relationships. Sex-positivity within a Christian context often encourages open conversations about sex, addressing issues related to consent, pleasure, and communication between partners. This approach seeks to break down harmful stigmas surrounding sexuality and recognize it as a natural and beautiful aspect of human life, when expressed within the boundaries of committed and consensual relationships.

  • Body Positive. We are body positive while also promoting the importance of maintaining our health. Body positivity should not be equated with disregarding health concerns about obesity and carrying excess weight. Instead, it encourages a compassionate and nonjudgmental attitude towards oneself and others, recognizing that health and well-being are complex and multifaceted. Being body positive can involve supporting and empowering individuals to make healthy choices, taking into account their unique circumstances and challenges, without perpetuating shame or stigma based on their body size. While it's important to take care of our health, being "body positive" means that we do not devalue people who may not fit cultural expectations of an ideal body shape, size, or appearance. All bodies are precious.

  • Cultural Sensitivity. We recognize that mental health and relationship challenges can affect anyone, regardless of their background, and that these struggles can be influenced by various factors, including cultural experiences and societal pressures. We are committed to addressing these unique perspectives in a culturally sensitive manner, tailoring our approaches to best meet the needs of each client. At HigherChange, LLC, we are continually learning and growing in our cultural competence to better understand and empathize with the diverse experiences of our clients. We actively seek opportunities for education and training to enhance our ability to serve individuals from different backgrounds effectively.

Safe Spaces

We firmly stand against all forms of discrimination and oppression, and we strive to foster an environment that promotes equality, justice, and understanding. However, we do not "police" clients’ theological or political views. We do not exclude or denigrate people based on their social identity labels, such as their political party or their religious beliefs ("conservative" vs "liberal"). It is okay to disagree with each other. It is through safe and respectful dialogue that we become better people. Nevertheless, all providers and clients are asked to acknowledge our policies on diversity. Anyone who actively violates these principles of acceptance in a way that harms others may be asked to leave or be removed from our groups or community.

Problem Resolution


All of us are responsible for helping to create a safe, more inclusive environment. Unfortunately, incidents of bias or discrimination can occur, whether intentional or unintentional. They contribute to creating an unwelcoming environment for people. While our intentions are not to cause anyone discomfort or offense, anything that has a negative impact on you deserves our attention. If and when this occurs, there are several ways to address the discomfort or hurt that you have experienced:

  1. If you feel like our work together is being impacted by outside experiences, please don't hesitate to come and talk with your provider privately. We want to be a resource for you. We are open to listening to your experiences and want to work with you to find acceptable ways to process and address the issue.

  2. If you observe unfair or hostile treatment towards someone on the basis of one’s social identity, please speak out at the time of the incident or afterward.

  3. If you are participating in a class, workshop, or group, please discuss the situation in the group setting. There may be another client who had a similar response.

  4. If you do not feel comfortable talking directly with us about it, there may be other ways we can address the issue that are more comfortable. Diversity Statement. You may also submit anonymous feedback to us, which would lead us to make changes.

  5. If you are a therapy client, you can also file a complaint with our licensing boards, depending on the state that you are in.



We value the power of diverse perspectives, and we believe that by embracing our differences, we can create a stronger and more compassionate society. As followers of Christ, our faith calls us to love and care for all individuals, regardless of their backgrounds or struggles. Together, we endeavor to build a community that celebrates the inherent worth and dignity of every person, fostering an atmosphere of acceptance, healing, and transformation.
At HigherChange, LLC, we welcome and honor the diversity of our clients, recognizing that their unique experiences and backgrounds contribute to the tapestry of our practic
e. As Christian therapists and coaches, we are committed to providing exceptional care that addresses the whole person—mind, body, and spirit—while embracing the rich diversity that makes each of us wonderfully unique. We strive to be a beacon of hope and healing, encouraging positive change in the lives of all those we serve.


This diversity statement is rooted in Dr. Tom Luttrell's views of human dignity.


Frequently Asked Questions

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